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At first, I make layers of transparent colors.
Then I add a line or two,
a new color, a different line.
I develop my work like a composer—I am painting music.
All the magic I have heard I want to paint.
I use acrylic, foil and all kinds of material to create texture.
With my fingers and self-made stamps,
I start to make visual the music
I have played and listened to.
For ten years my hearing has gotten worse and worse; not good for a piano teacher,
so I searched for other ways of expression.
I have let my fingers express,
first on a grand piano, now on canvas.
Let the colors speak for themselves, let the texture catch the light creating shadows.
After decades of listening, playing and teaching music,
I now paint music.
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Als musicus ben ik auditief ingesteld,
maar ik word helaas doof.
Hierdoor en door beginnende artrose
kan ik me niet meer uiten in muziek en ben ik weer begonnen met tekenen en schilderen.
Al schilderend ontstaan grote abstracten in felle
kleuren, kleine aquarellen in tere tinten, aanstekelijk
enthousiaste én soms heel ingetogen kunst.